GitHub explained in simple words for beginners

GitHub is a web-based platform and version control system that facilitates collaborative software development. It allows developers to store and manage their code, track changes made to it, and work together with others on projects.

 GitHub explained in simple terms for beginners.

If you’re a Cloud and DevOps enthusiast, chances are you’ve worked with GitHub. If you have not let me simplify GitHub for you.

Imagine you’re working on a group project for school. Instead of passing papers around or emailing different versions of your work, you put everything in one big folder that all your classmates can access. GitHub works similarly.

GitHub is one of the most popular version control tools. This online platform helps you collaborate on projects, especially when working with others on coding or any kind of files.

Benefits of GitHub simplified for you:

1️⃣ GitHub acts as a version control.

Let’s say you’re writing a book together with a friend. GitHub tracks all the changes you make. So, if your friend adds a new chapter or edits a sentence, GitHub keeps a record of who did what and when.

2️⃣ GitHub will do backup and storage.

It’s like a really organized filing cabinet where you can store your work. This way, if something happens to your computer, your work is safe on GitHub.

3️⃣ GitHub is perfect for team collaboration.

Everyone involved in the project can work on their own part without getting in each other’s way. You can see what others are doing and contribute your own changes without messing up their work. You can easily share your work with others, and they can give you feedback or suggest changes.

Have you used GitHub? What are the pros and cons?


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