4 tools every site reliability engineer should know

SRE is the practice of using software tools to automate IT infrastructure tasks such as system management and application monitoring.

Below are 4 tools you should know as a site reliability engineer:

Container orchestrator

Software developers use a container orchestrator to run containerized applications on various platforms. Containerized applications store their code files and related resources within a single package called a container.


On-call management tools

These are software that allow SRE teams to plan, arrange, and manage support personnel who deal with reported software problems. SRE teams use the software to ensure there is always a support team on standby to receive timely alerts on software issues.


Incident response tools

They ensure a clear escalation pathway for detected software issues. SRE teams use incident response tools to categorize the severity of reported cases and deal with them promptly. The tools can also provide post-incident analysis reports to prevent similar problems from happening again.

Configuration management tools

They are software that automate software workflow. SRE teams use these tools to remove repetitive tasks and become more productive. For example, site reliability engineers use AWS OpsWorks to automatically set up and manage servers on AWS environments.

Source: AWS website



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