AWS Codepipeline: Best Practices

CI/CD practices streamline software updates, ensuring both rapid evolution and the steadfast maintenance of system stability and security.

Here are some recommended practices for CI/CD:


  1. Implement Infrastructure as Code: Manage your infrastructure using code and store it in version control.
  2. Utilize Version Control for Infrastructure: Keep track of changes to your infrastructure code using version control systems.
  3. Employ Bug Tracking/Ticketing Systems: Use systems to track and manage issues and changes.
  4. Conduct Peer Reviews: Have peers review changes before applying them to ensure quality and consistency.
  5. Establish Infrastructure Design Patterns: Define and follow patterns and designs for your infrastructure.
  6. Test Infrastructure Changes: Test infrastructure changes rigorously, treating them like code changes.
  7. Organize Integrated Development Teams: Form teams with no more than 12 members who can independently sustain themselves.
  8. Frequent Code Commits: Ensure developers commit code frequently to the main branch, avoiding long-running feature branches.
  9. Standardize Build Systems: Consistently use a build system like Maven or Gradle across your organization.
  10. Integrate Security into the Pipeline: Incorporate security measures into your code pipeline.
  11. Develop Comprehensive Unit Tests: Aim for 100% code coverage with unit tests and ensure they remain up-to-date and actively maintained.
  12. Prioritize Unit Tests: Ensure that unit tests constitute 70% of overall testing in terms of duration, number, and scope.
  13. Treat Continuous Delivery Configuration as Code: Manage continuous delivery configuration using code.
  14. Implement Role-Based Security Controls: Define who can access what and when, and monitor all resources.
  15. Monitor and Track Resources: Keep track of all resources and monitor services, availability, and response times.
  16. Alert on Service Issues: Set up alerts for service disruptions and performance issues.
  17. Continuous Improvement: Capture, learn from, and improve upon processes continuously.
  18. Share Access: Grant access to resources and information to everyone on the team.
  19. Plan Metrics and Monitoring: Incorporate metrics and monitoring into the development lifecycle.
  20. Track Standard Metrics: Keep tabs on key metrics such as builds, deployments, and time to production.
  21. Use Multiple Pipelines: Employ distinct pipelines for each branch and team to streamline development processes.




  1. Avoid Long-Running Branches: Minimize long-running branches with complex merges to maintain agility and simplicity.
  2. Eliminate Manual Processes: Avoid manual tests, approval processes, gates, code reviews, and security reviews to streamline the CI/CD pipeline.


And you, what are the CI/CD pipeline best practices you would like to share with us?



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