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AWS RDS Explained With Simple Terms

Below is everything you need to know about AWS RDS. What is it? What are the benefits of AWS RDS? ▶ What is Amazon RDS? ⚫ Relational Database Service or RDS allows you to pay to use AWS databases...

AWS EC2 explained in simple terms

AWS EC2 is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that offers resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Let me explain! AWS EC2 Explained With Simple Terms.   What is Amazon EC2? Elastic...

Runbook VS Playbook

Runbooks are detailed guides for routine operational tasks and incident handling, while playbooks are strategic documents outlining actions and responses for specific scenarios or events. Both serve...

AWS S3 Audit and Logging

Today, let’s dive into S3 Audit and Logging. I want to share with you what I use daily and what I’ve learned. Did you know that S3 provides various features for auditing and logging? It helps...

Understanding Linux Filesystem and Essential Commands

As a cloud engineer, having a strong command over Linux filesystems and essential commands is crucial for managing your cloud instances effectively. Let’s explore the Linux filesystem hierarchy...

Migrated to AWS: what’s next?

So you migrated your applications, servers and databases to the cloud. What do you do next? Cost Optimization. A crucial step to enjoy the benefit of the cloud is cost optimization. It allows you to...

Linux Commands You Should Know

We will use the shell program bash (Bourne Again shell). Many Linux distributions will default to the bash shell. But, there are other shells available such as ksh, zsh, tsch. The shell is a program...

AWS Cloud VS Splunk Cloud

AWS Cloud and Splunk Cloud are two different cloud services that serve distinct purposes in the world of cloud computing. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform that...

Understanding AWS Service Catalog

If you are an AWS Cloud Engineer or involved in managing cloud resources within an organization, AWS Service Catalog is a great tool to learn. AWS Service Catalog helps you manage AWS resources more...

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