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AWS Well-Architected Framework – Part 2

In this Part 2, we will learn more about AWS Well-Architected Framework best practices. Best practices are approaches, processes and methods that have been shown to lead to good outcomes. AWS...

AWS Well-Architected Framework – Part 1

The Well-Architected Framework is not a one-time process but rather an ongoing set of guidelines that should be applied throughout the lifecycle of a system on AWS. The AWS Well-Architected Framework...

Cloud Engineer VS DevOps Engineer: What’s the deal?

Should I start working as a cloud engineer or a DevOps engineer? Many people have asked this question before you. Below is my take. While there can be some overlap between the roles of a Cloud...

Architectures: Monolithic VS Tier VS Microservice

YOU CAN’T BUILD SOMETHING UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND THE ARCHITECT. Understanding architecture is very important for a cloud engineer. Monolithic architecture, tier architecture, and microservice...

Git, GitHub, GitLab and GitHub Actions: what in the git?

What in the git? Why do we have so many words with git?     Let’s Dive In. ✔ Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to keep track of changes to their code and collaborate...

4 tools every site reliability engineer should know

SRE is the practice of using software tools to automate IT infrastructure tasks such as system management and application monitoring...

A day in the life of a DevOps Engineer

Collaboration and Communication Collaborate with development teams, QA and operations teams, and other stakeholders to facilitate smooth software delivery and operations. In one of my projects, I led...

Why companies need to modernize their application development strategy?

Modernized application architecture is the foundation of tomorrow’s digital landscape. Today’s engineering teams are under pressure to quickly and affordably deliver innovative products and solutions...

DevOps: Testing and Monitoring

If you are a DevOps engineer, there are chances that you will do testing at some points. From Unit testing to Validation Testing, and many more, the ones I like are Negative testing and destruction...

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